Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Finally we have a baby boy ... he so cute and so blue! Meet our new baby ... Jeepy!

As the saying goes, having a car is just like maintaining a child! So here's our pics from the Nursery (car dealer's shop)!

Here's the first photos when our new "baby" arrived to our house last 20 November 2006.

Now Sonny and I are set to go camping with our new 4WD!

We're starting to spoil him, it's the Limited edition of 2006 Jeep Cherokee with sunroof, bluetooth and GPS. I won't get lost in this huge country!

I don't want him to have skin cancer so we loaded paint protection, electronic rust proofing and leather and carpet protection.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom!

We surprised Mom on her birthday. She gave strict instruction not to give her a party but Carol started the great idea to cook for the family this time.

We secrectly prepared the assignments for the party behind her back. On the day itself, her long lost nephews came to visit and she thought there's no food on the house.

She panicked and beg me to use the food for our Goldcoast event to feed her nephews. I feel so sorry for her so I have to tell our surprise. Ha, ha, ha! Gotcha Mom!

Spring Flowers!

This is Mom's garden! It's my first spring in Brisbane. Flowers are so colorful and all are blooming around here due to the cool weather.
Mom's would painstakingly prepare for this season planting flowers and wait for it to bloom.
It's such a joy to see it blooming around our house.

Goodbye to our dearest Supra!

We just want to say goodbye to our dearest Supra! This is Sonny's 1990 Toyota Supra. When I came to Australia to drive it, I started to experience waist and hip pains. You know why? I had difficulty getting out with my heavy butt! Gravity is pulling me back inside the car.
Anyway, it feels cool to drive it, so smooth and fast! No wonder boys love it even my hubby who still living his boyhood days of driving a sports car.
Thanks for the service and the memories our dearest Supra! We'll miss you!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy Birthday SONNY! Mwah!

My hubby just celebrated his Nth birthday! As one of the million ways to show him how much I deeply love him, I made sure he had this day as one of those days he won't forget i.e. a very happy one!

I love you Sonny more than you know! xxOOxx

Janet Basco's Concert in Brisbane

Gina's kids, Clara and Lizbeth were invited to do a front act for Janet's concert. Considering she's an alumna from UST too and one of my favorite singers in Manila, I didn't let this great chance to pass.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Straddie Island Vacation!

Since Kuya Chito is in town, we brought him to Stradbroke Island or "Straddie" for a short vacation. I never had the chance to get of the city since I came here lastMarch.

It's almost spring over here and not as cold as before so it's just the right time to explore and see the beauty of Brisbane.

Here are some of the photos we took there. Kuya Chito promised to send some more for my blogspot.